
HR | Digitalization | Playbook | Guide

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HR | Digitalization | Playbook | Guide

Here’s What You’ll Learn:

Escriba and Bots & People - HR Digitalization

Who is Escriba? Who is Bots and People?

Our eBook on HR Digitalization was created in collaboration with ESCRIBA AG, the provider of no- and low-code technologies and digital document management for HR and CRM tasks.

What is HR Digitalization?

Introduction: What is HR Digitalization?

The introduction provides the basis for the eBook by first defining HR digitalization and the application fields of process automation within HR departments. How can companies manage to gain an edge in the "War Of Talents"? What potential is being missed by both small and large companies?

HR Digitalization - IDG Study

Chapter 1: IDG study

Have you already heard about the IDG Research Services study "Digitalization in Human Resources"? The study gives you an interesting insight into the level of digitization in companies and the assessment and satisfaction of employees. In this chapter, you will learn about the most important findings and conclusions that emerge from the IDG study.

HR Digitalization & Low Code / No Code

Chapter 2: HR Automation & Low Code / No Code

What exactly is HR automation? What are the types of automation and associated technologies? And what levels of automation can be achieved? The second chapter of our eBook brings together the topics of "HR" and "automation" and takes you deeper into the world of low code and no code automation technologies so that you can take the automation path that's right for you and your business.

Possibilities of HR digitalization

Chapter 3: Use Cases and Competencies

Within HR departments there are different processes - from recruiting to onboarding and beyond. Many of these processes can be automated and thus simplified for HR professionals - without making the processes inhuman. In this chapter, you will learn which possibilities HR automation allows and which key competencies are required for this.

HR Digitalization Mindset

Chapter 4: Digitalization and Mindset

The correct mindset is the foundation of any successful automation. HR departments are no exception. In the fourth chapter of our HR Digitalization eBook, we turn our attention to the digitization mindset. An exciting interview with Jürgen Erbeldinger, founder of the low code/no code provider ESCRIBA, awaits you.

Are you ready for HR Digitalization?

Chapter 5: Ready for Digitalization?

Are you and your company ready for digitalization and the technologies of the future? The Feasability Checker by ESCRIBA is designed to help you assess your company's level of digitalization.

The Future of HR Digitalization

Conclusion: Your future is ready!

Nothing stands in the way of your company's digitalization and automation! It's not just about technical know-how and automation skills. Our conclusion highlights the relevance of HR digitalization and HR automation in more detail.

HR Digitalization

Who is the eBook suitable for?

This eBook is for anyone who wants to optimize their HR processes within their organization and stay ahead in the "War Of Talents". Recognize the potential of HR digitalization, get an overview of all technologies such as Low Code and No Code, Integrated Platform as a Service (iPaas), Robotic Process Automation (RPA) and Co. and gain valuable knowledge about automatable processes through use cases.

Which technologies will be presented?

Automation pops up in various ways. Get an insight into process automation software like low code/no code solutions, iPaaS, RPA, DPA or IPA and its application areas.

What is the focus of the eBook?

The HR Digitalization eBook will help you if you want to get into the topic of digitalization and automation of HR processes. It will give you clarity and awarness why robots don't take away our jobs or make certain processes inhumane and instead automation can ease the workload of HR professionals.

Other topics of the eBook

Get an overview of processes that can be automated within HR and a holistic view of possible supporting process automation technologies. You will also learn why the right automation mindset is at least as essential for successful automation as the necessary expertise and skills. In particular, with our HR Digitalization eBook, we want to teach you why people are at the forefront of any automation. We want to accompany you and your company on the automation journey and, above all, make you fit for the digital future and the "War Of Talents".

Exclusive Sneak Peek

Free Guide - HR Digitalization Playbook
Free HR Digitalization Guide - What is HR Digitization?
Free HR Digitalization Guide - Study by IDG
Free HR Digitalization Guide - HR Automation & No Code / Low Code
Free HR Digitalization Guide - Use Cases & Competencies
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What You Should Know When Implementing Automation

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Discover all you need to know to prepare for automation properly and get the best possible outcome once automation is set in motion.

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Process Mining
What You Should Know When Implementing Automation

Ready, Set, Automate: Prepare for Automation and Get The Best Outcome

Discover all you need to know to prepare for automation properly and get the best possible outcome once automation is set in motion.

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What You Should Know When Implementing Automation

Ready, Set, Automate: Prepare for Automation and Get The Best Outcome

Discover all you need to know to prepare for automation properly and get the best possible outcome once automation is set in motion.

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Process Mining
What You Should Know When Implementing Automation

Ready, Set, Automate: Prepare for Automation and Get The Best Outcome

Discover all you need to know to prepare for automation properly and get the best possible outcome once automation is set in motion.

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Process Mining
What You Should Know When Implementing Automation

Ready, Set, Automate: Prepare for Automation and Get The Best Outcome

Discover all you need to know to prepare for automation properly and get the best possible outcome once automation is set in motion.

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Process Mining
What You Should Know When Implementing Automation

Ready, Set, Automate: Prepare for Automation and Get The Best Outcome

Discover all you need to know to prepare for automation properly and get the best possible outcome once automation is set in motion.

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Process Mining
What You Should Know When Implementing Automation

Ready, Set, Automate: Prepare for Automation and Get The Best Outcome

Discover all you need to know to prepare for automation properly and get the best possible outcome once automation is set in motion.

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Process Mining
What You Should Know When Implementing Automation

Ready, Set, Automate: Prepare for Automation and Get The Best Outcome

Discover all you need to know to prepare for automation properly and get the best possible outcome once automation is set in motion.

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Process Mining
What You Should Know When Implementing Automation

Ready, Set, Automate: Prepare for Automation and Get The Best Outcome

Discover all you need to know to prepare for automation properly and get the best possible outcome once automation is set in motion.

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Process Mining
What You Should Know When Implementing Automation

Ready, Set, Automate: Prepare for Automation and Get The Best Outcome

Discover all you need to know to prepare for automation properly and get the best possible outcome once automation is set in motion.

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Process Mining
What You Should Know When Implementing Automation

Ready, Set, Automate: Prepare for Automation and Get The Best Outcome

Discover all you need to know to prepare for automation properly and get the best possible outcome once automation is set in motion.

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Process Mining
What You Should Know When Implementing Automation

Ready, Set, Automate: Prepare for Automation and Get The Best Outcome

Discover all you need to know to prepare for automation properly and get the best possible outcome once automation is set in motion.

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Process Mining
What You Should Know When Implementing Automation

Ready, Set, Automate: Prepare for Automation and Get The Best Outcome

Discover all you need to know to prepare for automation properly and get the best possible outcome once automation is set in motion.

Most Read
Process Mining
What You Should Know When Implementing Automation

Ready, Set, Automate: Prepare for Automation and Get The Best Outcome

Discover all you need to know to prepare for automation properly and get the best possible outcome once automation is set in motion.

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Process Mining

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Case Study

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Case Study

Frankfurt Airport (Fraport)

Fraport joined forces with Bots & People and took part in a training at the Automation Academy. The goal was to educate Fraport employees on Process Automation and Artificial Intelligence.

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"We got exactly what we wanted. It was strongly practice-oriented and that is exactly what I appreciate so much about Bots & People. For me, that's what sets it apart from other providers."

Sebastian Fay
Project Manager Process Automation in Finance | Internal Control System | FRAPORT AG
Case Study


Automation Pioneer Program: jointly organized by T-Systems International, RWTH Business School and Bots & People. The aim was to train technology consultants and sales staff in the field of process automation in order to build up in-house expertise.

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We particularly liked the comprehensive content coverage of the topics and technologies relevant to us as well as the inspiring lecturers in the virtual classroom as well as in the video. Our colleagues were provided with a holistic view of the topic of hyperautomation, giving them the opportunity to discuss their challenges together with the experts and work out possible solutions.

Dominik Ohl
Squad Lead | Learning & Development | T-Systems

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